Going forward… And Unclogging Neil’s Inbox

William McGonagle
2 min readNov 25, 2023

I’ve been off medium for a year and a half now. Since then, a bit has changed.

  • I applied to college, got accepted to Georgetown University, and have been attending during the fall.
  • I stepped down from the Fairfield Programming Association (FPA), then joined Georgetown Disruptive Tech (GDT). (I love acronyms).
  • I meddled around with hundreds of different projects (abandoning most of them), but there are a few that have stuck out.

And thats what this blog is for– the projects. I’ve archived all of my old articles, simplified the design of everything, and changed the meaning of this blog: to unclog my friend Neil Chaudhari’s inbox (to which I send frequent updates about all of my projects).

Me waking up Neil with my newest “world changing” project.

The writing here isn’t going to be perfect! It’s speech to text that I edit down to a five minute read.

Oh! And it’s not going to be learning content anymore. I did the FPA, and we did incredible stuff, but I’m tired of that for now.

Finally, I plan on posting twice a week: once on Sunday and once on Thursday. Anyone who knows me understands that I am not an organized person– there will be weeks with ten posts and weeks with zero.

But! Nonetheless, if you are interested in following, make sure you click the receive emails option. You should subscribe if you’re interested– it’s free.

Thats all!

William McGonagle



William McGonagle

Bridgeporter. Georgetown Student. Bass Player. Programmer. Brother. Celtics Fan.